Welcome to the Hello World section of my portfolio!

Hello World is a game that I am working on, about a robot who tries to save plant life on earth. It is a 2D sidescrolling game, and the main mechanic is the manipulation of electricity to manipulate the environment.

Robot arm

I make a mock up version of the Robot's arm, as a part of my 3D animation and texturing unit at school (it will not be used in the actual game, it is just as a reference and a learning material). I used Maya to model it, and Substance Painter to texture it.

Mock games cover

I made this as a part of my Game Design unit at school in late 2023. Since Steam games aren't typically sold physically, I made a mockup of what it would look like if it was, with help from this website.

A Steam games cover for Hello World

The Robot

The robot is the main character in Hello World. They are the player character, and do not have an actual name beyond "The Robot". They are owned by the Creator (see below), who found them broken in an alleyway. They have a little plant that they found, and they decided to carry around with them in a plastic bag.

Character sheet

The image below is a charater sheet I drew for the Robot as part of my Game Design unit. It is in a pixel art style because that is the style of the game.

The character sheet contains the following things:

  • The Robot's sprite (with plant)
  • The Robot's sprite (without plant)
  • Reaction bubbles (to show the robot's emotions, since they don't speak)
    • Ellipsis: Confusion or awkward silence
    • Exclaimation mark: Surprise or alarm
    • Question mark: Confusion
    • Lighting bolt: Shows the player that the robot is charging
  • More deatiled illustration of the exposed machinery in their right arm
  • More detailed illustration of their head and shoulders
  • Their plant growing out the ground
  • Their plant in its little bag
A character sheet for the robot. Features their sprite, and various other items realted to them

Initial sketches/design process

The drawings in the image below (the one made up of photos of a sketchbook) are all from my personal sketchbook, from 2021, which is when I was first designing the Robot. As you can see, their design has changed quite a bit since the first drawings I did of it.

The initial sketches of the Robot

The images below are also from my sketchbook, however they are designs I did as a part of my preiviously mentioned Game Design unit from 2023.

My favourite drawing from the ones below is the big one of the robot's arm on the right.

The sketches of the plant I did before I made it in pixel artThe sketches I did of the Robot's arm before making it in pixel art

The Creator

The Creator is the owner of the robot. They assist the Robot with various tasks in the game, and they also play an important role in the story of the game.

A character sheet for the Creator. Features their sprite, and a variety of facial expressions

Games slice (mock screenshot)

The image below was also made as a part of my Games Design unit. In the image, the Robot is standing outside the entrance to the house they live in with the Creator.

The two percentage bars in the top left corner are showing the two player metrics in Hello World: HP (red) and Charge (blue). HP is Health Points, similar to in other videogames, and they are a measure of how physically intact the Robot is. Charge is needed to perform various actions involving electricity, such as attracting a metal object towards you so you can grab it.

An image showing a mock screenshot of Hello World